La donna della domenica

The Sunday woman - La femme du dimanche

€ 15.80
Code: CDMDF625
Stock: Available
Composers: Ennio Morricone
Category: Original soundtrack
Format: CD Audio
Record Labels: Cinevox

"La donna della domenica" (aka "The sunday woman" - "La femme du dimanche"), Italian French co-production directed in 1975 by Luigi Comencini and interpreted by Jacqueline Bisset, Marcello Mastroianni, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Aldo Reggiani, Pino Caruso, brings the signature of the Oscar Award Ennio Morricone. Based on the 1972 noir romance with the same name written by Fruttero & Lucentini, the movie tells us of the investigations of Commissioner Santamaria (Mastroianni) upon the assassination of an ambiguos architect; traces bring him in the ambiet of the wealthy middle-classes of Turin where he meets Anna Carla (Bisset), a beatiful and mysterious woman and will follow another sanguinary delict. All the most beloved elements of Cinema Music by Ennio Morricone are present in this short but fascinating score. Morricone composed a theme with variations, a kind of romantic melody that describes the extreme femininity of the protagonist, but at the same time insane witha a delcared sence of urban reality given by the sound of the flugelhorn by Oscar Valdambrini. The composer alternates this Main Theme with dramatic atmoshpere and suspence that create the right sound color for the story. In 1975 Cinevox published a 45RPM (MDF 087) with the tracks "La donna della domenica" (A side, in this CD track nr 18) and "Torino di notte" (B side, in this CD track nr 16). Just in the early 90s a CD was released in Belgium by Prometheus label (PCD 119) with 20 minutes more of music selected togheter with the OST of "La moglie più bella". This brand new edition (first Italian press of the CD) that lasts more or less 36 minutes features every single note recorded in 1975 in a very good stereo, skillfully digitally remastered using the orignal complete tapes of the recording session recently recovered.


2. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (riproponendo rabbia) 1:21
3. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (infido) 1:21
4. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (ripresa) 1:44
5. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (impaziente pianino) 1:29
6. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (ripresa 2) 2.00
7. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (ripresa 3) 1:31
8. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (ripresa 4) 1:12
9. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (infido 2) 2:11
10. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (infido 3) 1:43
11. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (ripresa 5) 1:19
12. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (una donna misteriosa) 1:55
13. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (ripresa 6) 2:03
14. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (Torino di giorno) 2:02
15. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (infido 4) 1:35
16. TORINO DI NOTTE (Lato B - singolo originale) 2:25
17. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (Torino al mattino) 0:57
18. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (Tra il dire e il fare) 2:05
19. LA DONNA DELLA DOMENICA (Lato A - singolo originale) 3:21

Film: La donna della domenica
AKA: The Sunday woman - La femme du dimanche
Genre: Crime
Director: Luigi Comencini
Actors: Aldo Reggiani Jacqueline Bisset Jean-Luis Trintignant Marcello Mastroianni Pino Caruso
La donna della domenica

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