Ull per ull

€ 18.00
Codice: QR005
Disponibilità: Disponibile
Compositori: Marc Vaíllo
Categoria: Colonne sonore originali
Formato: CD Audio
Etichette Discografiche: Quartet Records

Marc Vaíllo transfers the disorders and violence of the Barcelona of the beginning of the XX century to the music field. He does it, in the first place, with a forceful and inflexible theme shared by the two warring sides, which, therefore, remain inevitably linked despite their enormous differences. As opposed to the brutality of this theme, a dramatic music helps him to unite as well, but this time it joins two of the protagonists and their destiny. In a same game of cards, Vaíllo plays skilfully with the cards of tolerance and intolerance, and his score gives off a pure Barcelonian aroma.


  1. Barcelona 1919 (Títulos) (3:40)
  2. Amor (Adagio Lírico) (2:32)
  3. Los Torrents (Passepied) (2:02)
  4. Muerte de Isidre (2:01)
  5. Revolución (1:19)
  6. Enric (1:34)
  7. El Sindicato Libre (2:40)
  8. Los Ingobernables (1:49)
  9. La Fábrica Torrents (1:34)
  10. Eulalia Torrents (1:39)
  11. Atraco al banco (2:29)
  12. Asesinato (Passacaglia y Fuga en Do menor) (4:14)
  13. Velatorio (2:08)
  14. Acción reacción (2:51)
  15. El tren miseriano (2:49)
  16. Barcelona está maldita y Traición (3:35)
  17. Ley de Fugas (1:48)
  18. Compañeros muertos (3:54)
  19. Vamos a Can Torrents (1:00)
  20. Secuestro (3:34)
  21. Adagio Lírico (v2) (2:43)
  22. Palenzuela y aliados (1:13)
  23. Yo maté a tu padre (0:52)
  24. Encuentro en el cementerio (1:22)
  25. Esperanzas y conspiraciones (2:26)
  26. Martínez Anido y secuaces (1:02)
  27. Recordando a los caídos (1:36)
  28. Pau el limpiabotas y Lucha final (3:00)
  29. Eulalia y Enric (2:06)
  30. No tengo patria (créditos finales) (2:29)
  31. Ojo por ojo (1:37)

Film: Ull per ull
AKA: Ull per ull
Genere: Serie TV
Regista: Mar Taragona
Attori: Lluís Homar Manu Fullola Núria Gago
Ull per ull